The Class Muse with some boys in uniform. Smiles deceive. Note
Alejandro boxing-out the guy with eyeglasses with his body (elbow-
to-stomach tactic), while Alex executed an arm-locker, and still managed
to make it look like a "hold of endearment."

This was how they used to generate a tsunami on dry land. Just
imagine. If one of them farted, only Richard (extreme left) would be able to get
away from the ensuing pandemonium. No wonder he was all smiles -
and ready to deliver the All-Timer himself.

I always wondered what Marlyn was whispering to the other girls. Grace looks like
she was enjoying it. It must be so dirty that Sonia couldn't help pinching Marlyn.

Except for Alex and Susalin, all the rest were the quiet people
of our class. Here we see Susalin's entrepreneurial skill in turning
Alex's head into a cottage industry.