This may be the only existing photo of the fearsome Toilet Booth Gang (TBG) which notoriety
included divesting victims of their dignity when answering to nature's call or worse,
pride-of-manhood should victims refuse to pay Toll for use of the latrine.
Due to its secretive organization, TBG members repeatedly eluded capture by
school authorities. Shown in this rare photo are the TBG Gang Leader with his Four
Horsemen (standing inside the booth) and The Dummy. Person squatted in the middle with
a steel pipe forcibly inserted up his arse (hidden from view) was the Gang Victim [note
humiliation and pain in facial expression] currently being tortured for lack of cooperation
and sensibility to TBG's dire needs. Person standing to the left was The Dummy [note stance
and features that easily caused misidentification as Gang Leader]. Person squatted in front
was the Gang Leader who pulled the invisible strings [note practiced fingers and invisible strings].
Just days after this photo was taken, TBG vacated the Boy's Toilet, and moved Operations inside
the Girl's Toilet.