The stage crew from our class preparing for the 20th school anniversary program.
The guy behind Michael and Wilbert is Michael Yu, Doctor Yu's son. He was not our classmate,
but he helped in the preparations. The guy with red cap is Abe, a schoolmate of Class '80 boys. Missing here is Margie, a relative of the Yu family. I used to work with her in the gym (yes, she did carpentry) when all the others were attending afternoon classes. It was fun working with her - and memorable. |
The design at the back screen read "20th ANNIVERSARY UNO." It was taller than a man. I drew the design first on a
graphing paper, then Alejandro helped me plot the corresponding points on the penciled grids on a large manila paper,
which was made by pasting many standard-size manila papers together. The red color papers and foils were pasted on the
large manila paper design afterwards.
Incidentally, in those days, people who hated a particular brand of softdrink did not hesitate to show what's in their mind. |