T'is Craving for Food - II

Johnson feeding the hungry Williams, who had insisted on sharing one food bowl because of "principles."  Now, matter seems to be winning over the mind. Aha!  So, the Force was weak in these two.

This other Jedi had long forgotten the principles, and allowed herself to fall - stomach first - over to the Dark Side.   There's just no stopping Annie now.  A GROWING girl needed LOTS of food.  Here we see her dipping into Helen's drink again. Talking to Chona, Pollandrita was unaware that Annie had already attacked her now empty bowl earlier.

Marlyn deprived of food. What would she do?

Johnson eating, before Marlyn (approaching stealthily) snatched his food away.

Susalin just finished her lunch and dinner.  Janet, on the other hand, was now working on her breakfast for next morning.  Poor Shirley.

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